Blaguss-Minibus-Service GmbH
Laxenburgerstraße 367 / Top 102
A-1230 Vienna
Tel.: +43 1 610 70-0
Company registration number: FN 183170v
UID: ATU 47219200
General Management: Manfred Skoll, MBA; Prok. Günter Schweinberger
Corporate business: Car rental
Court: Handelsgericht Wien
Legal form: Limited liability company
Trade regulations:
Member of Wirtschaftskammer Wien
Authority according to ECG (e-commerce statute)
The Online Dispute Resolution website (official website managed by the European Commission dedicated to helping consumers and traders resolve their disputes out-of-court):
We’d like to explicitly emphasize that we exercise no influence over linked pages’ design or contents. Therefore we hereby dissociate ourselves from all contents on all linked pages at this site including all subpages. This statement applies to all of the links placed on our website and to the content of the pages to which links or banners lead.
Web conception: Imbasto
Fotos: Blaguss photo archive, various image databases (e.g. Fotolia, Shutterstock, Gettyimages, iStock etc.)
Limitation of liability for information on this website. Mistakes, misprints, printing and spelling errors reserved.