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Frequently asked questions

  • What does Blaguss Minibus Service offer?

    Blaguss minibuses naturally lend themselves just as well to customized excursions, student transports, rehab trips, trips to wine taverns, and for any other travel destination that you want to head for at home or abroad.

  • How can I request a minibus or wheelchair-accessible bus?

    Just call! You can order at 01/610-70-0! Of course you can also reach us by email at anfragen@blaguss.com.

  • I've forgotten or lost something in the bus. To whom can I turn?

    Found articles generally land in our office. Contact us at 01/610 70-0.

  • Where do I give my child to the bus driver? Where will my child be given to the teachers/caregivers at the school?

    Handover occurs at the house door and the school door at the school.

  • How long should the trip with my child take?

    Our dispatchers make an effort to keep the trip as short as possible. However trips last at most one hour.

  • We've moved. We've got a new address now!

    Please inform the school about this. To conduct address changes, we need an authorisation from Municipal Department 56. The school will contact Municipal Department 56. We have a processing time of about one week for address changes.

  • I've registered my child with the transport service! Now what?

    We have about 1 week's processing time after we've received the registration. We generally start on a Monday. You'll learn the pick-up time from us on the Friday morning prior!

  • I have a new mobile phone number!

    Please promptly inform us about this. Contact us at 01/610-70-0.

  • My child is sick! I'd like to cancel the transport service!

    By all means, please report to the main office (01/610-70-0). Don't just phone the driver!

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